Friday, June 29, 2007

Muslims are superstitious

At times I look around at YouTube and at times you find these weird superstitious
clips that muslims post and get all scared about.
Here's three examples:
Jinn offering prayers to Baal (a.k.a. Allah)
ofcourse anyone with eyes can see this is just a pole holding
a rug, but a muslim that is superstitious, like all heathen are
they will believe anything you tell them.

Fish Girl
This clip according to the information says this is a girl
that became a fish while in reality this is a guitarfish.

Devil woman
And here we see a man that is dressed up as a woman
laying behind a table where they use a mirror to make the
illusion that it is indeed a "Devil woman" that was turned
this way because she played around with the Koran.

Superstitious idiocy is what it all is, but good for a laugh.
And also shows the deceptive nature of muslims, trying to
prove Baal to be real while the Bible says Baal is not real
by lying for this fake "god".