Friday, June 29, 2007

Muslims are superstitious

At times I look around at YouTube and at times you find these weird superstitious
clips that muslims post and get all scared about.
Here's three examples:
Jinn offering prayers to Baal (a.k.a. Allah)
ofcourse anyone with eyes can see this is just a pole holding
a rug, but a muslim that is superstitious, like all heathen are
they will believe anything you tell them.

Fish Girl
This clip according to the information says this is a girl
that became a fish while in reality this is a guitarfish.

Devil woman
And here we see a man that is dressed up as a woman
laying behind a table where they use a mirror to make the
illusion that it is indeed a "Devil woman" that was turned
this way because she played around with the Koran.

Superstitious idiocy is what it all is, but good for a laugh.
And also shows the deceptive nature of muslims, trying to
prove Baal to be real while the Bible says Baal is not real
by lying for this fake "god".

Thursday, June 28, 2007

A joke about the koran

The quran is at a job interview. The boss asks, "Do you have references?"
quran replies, "Torah and the Bible, call them."
So the boss calls Torah, and Torah replies, "I have never heard of him."
Confused, the boss calls the Bible and the Bible says,
"I know him; he is a liar and a thief and is actually from Satan, the devil, don't believe him."
Pressed by the boss, quran defends by saying "they are liars."
And the boss reasons: "if they are liars, why do you use them for references unless you are insane?"

Monday, June 25, 2007

The valleys of Jerusalem forms the hebrew letter shin

1 Kings 11:36 And unto his son will I give one tribe, that David my servant may have a light alway before me in Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen me to put my name there.

2 Kings 21:4 And he built altars in the house of the LORD, of which the LORD said, In Jerusalem will I put my name.

2 Kings 21:7 And he set a graven image of the grove that he had made in the house, of which the LORD said
to David, and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever:

2 Chronicles 6:6 But I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there; and have chosen David
to be over my people Israel.

2 Chronicles 12:13 So king Rehoboam strengthened himself in Jerusalem, and reigned: for Rehoboam was one and forty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there. And his mother's name was Naamah an Ammonitess.

2 Chronicles 33:4 Also he built altars in the house of the LORD, whereof the LORD had said, In Jerusalem shall my name be for ever.

2 Chronicles 33:7 And he set a carved image, the idol which he had made, in the house of God, of which God had said to David and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen before all the tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever:

The Hebrew letter shin can represent Shaddai, a name of God. And it appears that
a figure similar to this symbol actually has been stamped onto the city of Jerusalem. It can be seen in the that the geographical configuration of the city’s valleys, together with the temple and its location, somewhat resemble a shin.
These are the names of the labeled items: A) Valley of Ben Hinnom, B) Tyropoeon Valley, C) Kidron Valley, and D) the temple. The temple is in a similar location to the dagesh of the letter shin.

Here's an article about it all that goes into some more details and also reveals that shin is indeed
written on all human as part of our design as the Holy Bible says we're:
Genesis 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed:
for in the image of God made he man.

Don't know about the rest of that site, but this particular article is very nice.


It is very interesting that from Adam down to Noah there's a straight line that
declares the gospel in just the meaning of the names of the people of that
lineage, check it:


Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan (Kenan), Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah,
Lamech, Noah

In ENGLISH those names mean:

Man, appointed, mortal, sorrow, the blessed God, shall come down,
teaching, his death shall bring, the despairing, rest.

"Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the blessed
God shall come down teaching (that) his death shall
bring (the) despairing rest."

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mount Sinai is in Arabia

Deuteronomy 2:1 Then we turned, and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red sea, as the LORD spake unto me:
and we compassed mount Seir many days.
Deuteronomy 2:2 And the LORD spake unto me, saying,
Deuteronomy 2:3 Ye have compassed this mountain long enough:
turn you northward.
Deuteronomy 2:4 And command thou the people, saying, Ye are to pass through the coast of your brethren the children of Esau,
which dwell in Seir; and they shall be afraid of you: take ye good heed unto yourselves therefore:
Deuteronomy 2:5 Meddle not with them; for I will not give you of their land, no, not so much as a foot breadth;
because I have given mount Seir unto Esau for a possession.
Deuteronomy 2:6 Ye shall buy meat of them for money, that ye may eat; and ye shall also buy water of them for money, that ye may drink.
Deuteronomy 2:7 For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness:
these forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked nothing.

This proves that Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia. If they'd been in the Sinai Peninsula, God would have said turn you northeast.
In the New Testament we are told plainly that mount Sinai is in Arabia as can be seen here:

Galatians 4:25 For this Agar is
mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children.

So no mount Sinai is not in the Sinai Peninsula, contrary to popular belief.

Why Catholics are not Christians, reason 5

Another reason Catholics aren't Christians is that they eliminate one of the ten commandments
and to make up the slack the split the tenth commandment into two.

Here are the Ten Commandments of the Roman Catholic church:
First Commandment
I, the LORD, am your God...You shall not have other gods besides me.
Second Commandment
You shall not take the name of the LORD, your God, in vain.
Third Commandment
Remember to keep holy the sabbath day
Fourth Commandment
Honor your father and your mother
Fifth Commandment
You shall not kill.
Sixth Commandment
You shall not commit adultery.
Seventh Commandment
You shall not steal.
Eighth Commandment
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Ninth Commandment
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
Tenth Commandment
You shall not covet your neighbor's house.

And here are the true Ten Commandments that was given on the Sinai Mount
(which is in Arabia not on the Sinai peninsula contrary to Catholic belief):
First Commandment
I am the LORD thy God...Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Second Commandment
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness above,
or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.
Third Commandment
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.
Fourth Commandment
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Fifth Commandment
Honor thy father and thy mother.
Sixth Commandment
Thou shalt not kill.
Seventh Commandment
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Eighth Commandment
Thou shalt not steal.
Ninth Commandment
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Tenth Commandment
Thou shalt not covet.

They ofcourse remove the Second Commandment so they can do what the LORD forbids
them to do which is worship idols. And all the poor Catholics that don't read their Bibles
sees how wrong this is.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yet another joke

A little boy wanted $100.00 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened.
Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100.00.
When the postal authorities received the letter to God, USA, they decided to send it to the President.

The president was so amused that he instructed his
secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill. The president thought this would appear to be a lot of money
to a little boy.

The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read:
Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you sent
it through Washington, DC., and those jerks deducted $95.00 in taxes.

Another joke

An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of church services when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled, "STOP! Acts 2:38!" (Repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven.)

The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, "Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a Scripture at you."

"Scripture?" replied the burglar. "She said
she had an Ax and Two 38's!