I found this excellent text about the signs and wonders the pentecostal and charismatic cult just love:
In response to your post on signs and wonders, I realize you probably have your mind made up on your beliefs. But you asked. First off shouting, weeping and praising the Lord, are Biblical ways of worshiping the Lord. They have nothing to do with signs and wonders. When Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples he told them that signs would follow them that believe, this was "Confirmation" that they were preaching the Word effectively, Mark 16:15-20. All through the book of Acts this truth was carried out. Then in the book of 1Corinthians Paul has to "Straighten Out" the Church at Corinth for taking signs out of context. One of the first things he tells them in 1Corinthians 1:20 is that signs are for the Jews. Then he gives strict guidlines for the use of gifts, tounges,and prophesying, in Chapter 14. If every pentecostal church, operated by the Scriptures in chapter 14 they would ALL have to shut down this sunday morning...AMEN. If Paul had left it at that, then we could scripturally practice speaking in tounges, and prophesying,
1.There are jews present.
2. Only by two or three at the most.
3. There is an interpreter.
4. Only one is to prophesy at a time.
5. All women is excluded from this practice.
But I am glad Paul didnt leave it at that. In chapter 13 Paul tells us that in this present day we are NOT to practice this. In verse 8. He tells the Corinthians that it will stop. In verse 10 he tells them WHEN. In verse 9. He writes that they knew in part, and they prophesy in part. But v 10. when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. Any bible believer knows that when Paul wrote that, the comforter "Holy Spirit" had already came. The only other thing he could have been refering to, would have been the completion of the Word Of God. That is the only thing we have outside of the Holy Spirit, that is PERFECT. So when the "Word Of God" was completed, Jews no longer needed a sign, therefore "signs and wonders" are to be practiced no more.
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